Mother Goose Nursery Decor

by Kim Greenock
(League City, Texas)

Mother Goose Nursery Decor

Mother Goose Nursery Decor

The nursery room was designed for my youngest before he was born.

I didn't know if I was having a boy or a girl so I thought that nursery rhymes would be universal.

I built a tree in the corner using wood as a base, adding paper mache and plaster. The hollow of the tree houses a mirror and a place for books.

I used Mary Englebright 's Nursery Rhyme book as inspiration for the designs. (as I was painting I found out that I was indeed having another boy) I added "what are little boys made of" and "little jack horner" to make it more for a boy.

In the corner above the "cow jumped over the moon" painting I put glow in the dark star on fishing line and hung them from the ceiling.

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Feb 16, 2012
Love it!
by: Anonymous

This is so awesome! Unbelievable creativity and talent!

Jun 07, 2011
love it!!
by: Anonymous

I would love to have this one day for my kids.

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